How to Be Positive - Read Daily Be Positive Images And Live A Happy

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How to be Happy In Life - Secrets of Living Happy Life


You will not be able to change your circumstances. Your circumstances are already the way they are now. You can only affect them by changing how you think about them and how you feel about the choices you make.

If you want to be happy, you need to learn to think positively and become more positive in all aspects of your life. You need to understand that there’s nothing wrong with being unhappy everyone in their life feel sadness, but it is wrong to become sad and depressed and stressed. All you should do is alternate between being happy and being sad as often as possible.

Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

You also need to learn how to be positive when things go wrong and how to persist in doing so when they don’t go your way.

What is positive thinking?

A lot of people spend a lot of time trying to do the “wrong” things. They don’t allow themselves to think positive and get into a state of positivity.

Positive thinking does not imply that you are going to be happy all the time, but it does mean that you will be more likely to achieve your goals and achieve those goals in a way that is more productive than if you were not positive about them.

Why do we need positive thinking?

Everybody knows that positive thinking can help you be happier, but few people know how to actually practice it and why.

It’s a very simple idea: you need to start by being happy. It sounds obvious, but in a world of constant struggle we all know other people who are happier than us, and we wonder what’s the deal? Why are they so happy? Which makes us feel bad, which makes us want to be happy too. Then we find out that happiness is actually a mechanism for surviving and flourishing; it is not a destination or reward in itself, but the ability to cope with life’s challenges.

On the one hand, there are many benefits of this approach: it will make you like yourself more (you will like yourself if you can say your name instead of saying “poor me”); it will improve your mental health (as stress seems to reduce the efficacy of positive thinking); and it will improve your relationships (as the more you believe in yourself you will be more inclined towards good relationships).

But on the other hand, there are some potential downsides: being too positive may make you feel good all the time — which could easily lead to a negative self-image,  happiness isn’t necessarily something which increases with age (in fact some studies show that older people can experience greater levels of happiness than younger people).

What I would like to propose here is an intermediate form of positive thinking that doesn’t involve any specific “planning” or “practicing”: just looking at situations as they unfold with optimism rather than pessimism.

This approach involves  main steps: noticing events in your life as they unfold naturally; seeing these events as opportunities for growth rather than threats; and making decisions based on whether each event is likely to be a challenge rather than a threat. These steps should be practiced slowly over time so that they become second nature. Let me explain each step below.

 – Notice events as they unfold naturally Take for example today: now normally I would have been doing something else in this moment whereas now I would have been worrying about my upcoming presentation at work later today. But today I noticed this unfolding as an opportunity for growth — an opportunity for me to learn.

How to use positive thinking in your life?

A positive outlook is a great way to help you get through the hard times better. You can’t be in a very negative place when things are going well and you can’t be in a very positive place when things are going poorly either.

That said, it’s important to keep in mind that your positive outlook stays with you even when things are going well for you. When things are going so well that everything is awesome, you may start to feel depressed thinking “nothing ever goes right for me” (even if it does). When things are going so poorly that everything seems hopeless, your positive outlook may not make a difference: “I have no hope!” feelings will remain.

So, how do we make sure our positivity doesn’t suffer? It all comes down to thinking positively and being happy:

How to be happy with Yourself?

• Try  to stay in the present moment as much as possible — nothing lasts forever and everything changes — so focus on what really matters right now rather than what you think will happen tomorrow or next week. Let go of the past (even if it was just yesterday) and focus on what is happening now rather than what could happen tomorrow or next week.

• Don't look back on the past with regret or shame — there is no point in dwelling on the past because it never goes back anyway (and even if it did, it would only reinforce regret).

• Think about what happened today as an opportunity to learn something new rather than an opportunity to repeat something that went wrong before – we only learn by making mistakes and being surprised by them.

• Don't worry about your problems; worry about how to solve them – this will leave you feeling more positive about them even if they don't go away automatically.

In short: Think of difficult situations as opportunities to learn something new rather than opportunities for resolving old ones — but remember how far we have already come from where we started!


Hope these topics, strategies, thoughts will help to live a happy life again. Keep reading be positive quotes and be positive images, and stay positive all day. If you are a Hindi or Urdu Speaker read be positive meaning in Hindi. 

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