Importance of Books Essay How Books Play an Essential Role in Student Life

Importance of Books - Importance of Books Essay

Importance of Books Essay in English


Education is one of the most important activities in life that helps a person go into different parts where he will be in terms of career, socialisation, self-expression, identity development and many more aspects. The current society has been faced with different challenges as far as education is concerned. This essay seeks to discuss how books can play an essential role in students’ lives especially when it comes to their studies. It also examines the benefits of reading on the individuals’ social life. This essay also explores various ways through which books are useful in giving information, advice and support.

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The Impact of Education on Students

Books have not only affected the lives of young people but also have contributed greatly towards shaping and moulding them into mature adults. When you learn to solve a problem or issue, your outlook towards things changes. You start seeing the world from a new perspective”. He further explains that when a student learns to think like a boss instead of a child, there is a high chance that the student’s mind will never grow dull. Children who read often have the ability to understand complex ideas and their concepts are more open (Dr.Avanti, 2003). These students become flexible and can easily adapt to change. There are numerous benefits to reading including; it improves memory and thinking abilities.

Reading also affects students from poor families as well as those who do not study well because they read to improve their knowledge. They can improve their relationship with their friends and family members through this. The books help students gain confidence. As stated by Markman K and Schulze D (1999) “The book gives us a sense of community and belonging. We share our best memories with others by having characters in our stories. We are able to form bonds with our favorite characters while we interact with readers”. People who read frequently tend to find better job opportunities and those who do not read enough tend to have poor relationships. Those who read books regularly are likely to have higher income than those who have little access to such books.

This goes hand in hand with increased intellectual stimulation among learners. Lastly, they tend to live better and happier lives (Markman &Schulze, 1999).

The Benefits of Being Educated

Educating others helps in improving ones academic performance. According to Markman & Schulze (1999), there are various benefits associated with being educated. For example, the learner improves a persons life in the long run. First, there is improved interpersonal relations, this is what makes up a healthy human being. Through interactions, a good relationship develops between two people and even siblings. This increases security of persons and enhances their growth and development. Secondly, if a learner improves his academic performance then the person is likely to increase productivity because he can concentrate more on all school tasks at once unlike a person who does not have knowledge of these tasks. Furthermore, the learner gets more chances to develop and acquire new skills. All of this is possible due to good quality education. The effects of education are vast if done appropriately. At times, some children drop out of schools and get involved in juvenile gangs that may lead to violence. However, in order for these juveniles to become productive citizens, they must join schools. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the individual has a good start at any institution. Consequently, this helps build social ties and enhances communication among peers. An effective educator should encourage a persons growth and development. The ability to meet others demands and interests helps in developing personal worth, meaning and self-confidence.              

It allows a person to see and appreciate themselves and thus builds self-worth. If a person fails to meet certain requirements then there are chances of failure. Such failure may lead to low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Consequently, persons may miss classes.


In order for students to have a positive impact on their educational lives, they need to engage effectively in reading. By doing so, they will be taking part in reading materials which in turn have the power of contributing significantly towards building a lifelong learning habit. Books have been found to offer vital information on crucial topics such as science, history, culture, economy, politics, psychology and other interesting subjects. Additionally, a person engaged in reading develops new social skills. To conclude, the importance of books and reading skills cannot not be underrated. Therefore, the modern generation need to know how to read as well as educate the younger generation to embrace learning together.

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