Essay On Corruption

Essay on Corruption

Types of Corruption, Effects of Corruption on Economy : An Essay on Corruption


In this article, we are going to introduce a few different types of corruption that can be found all over the world that can mean many different things. We hope that you take a couple of minutes to read through this article and gain a better understanding of this very common problem. 
Corruption is a very common problem and there are many different types of corruption from bribery to illegal activities that can be found all over the world. Corruption is a problem because it is a form of abuse of power. It undermines and corrupts the justice system and is not beneficial for the public and the community either. The government is supposed to be working for the individual and the public, not the other way around. There are many different effects that corruption can have on a country, but one of the largest effects is the effect on the economy. Corruption has some effects on the economy in such a way that it has the potential to turn a country into a recession.
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What is corruption?

Corruption is a widespread problem that is present in many corners of the world. It is a serious issue that affects the lives of many people. It is very important to understand what corruption is and why it is so problematic. Corruption is the abuse of public office for private gain or other improper motive. It can be done in a variety of ways, such as bribery, extortion, embezzlement, and nepotism. It is an act of wrongdoing by an individual or group of people in a position of power, and it is a form of dishonesty. Corruption is usually a part of a larger system. It is something that is not always easy to detect, but it is something that is important to be aware of. Corruption is a serious issue that affects the lives of many people. 

Ways that Corruption has an effect on the Economy

Corruption is a major issue in the world. There are many ways that corruption has an effect on the economy. For example, corruption can cause a lack of trust in the government, which can lead to the government not being able to do its job. Corruption is also a factor that leads to the creation of monopolies. Due to corruption society faces many problems and middle class bears a lot. 

Where Corruption founds

Corruption is a persistent problem that is found in all countries. It is a problem that can be found in all levels of society, from the poorest to the wealthiest. There are many sectors and department in which corruption can be found. For example:-  

1. In Government
2. In Businesses 
3. In the Media
4. In Education 
5. In Sports 

In Government 

Government corruption can be found in many department of the government, for example the police and the ruling class. The police are often corrupt because they are paid well to protect the ruling class. The ruling class is often corrupt because they have power and make decisions that can benefit themselves. Government corruption is often found in the people in power. 

In Businesses 

Businesses are often corrupt because they want to make a profit. They also want to make a profit while not having to follow the rules of the law. In order to make a profit, businesses sometimes have to break the law. Businesses are also corrupt because they may give jobs to friends or family members. 

Corruption is the main reason of many countries for their economic crisis, and they are facing many issues such inflation, poverty, and lack of basic needs like food, shelter, education, water and basic health services.  


Corruption is a very common problem and there are many different types of corruption from bribery to illegal activities that can be found all over the world. This is a very common issue that many people face and we want to educate you on the different types of corruption.

We hope you enjoyed our article, essay on corruption. We hope that you enjoyed learning about this topic, but if you have any further questions or want to share something you can share in comment box .

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