What is Literature: Definition and It's Form

Literature : Introduction, Definition and Form


Literature is anything that has been written. It can be a poem, a novel, a story, a play, an essay, or any other form of writing.

The definition of literature is quite broad and it doesn’t necessarily have to be written with language. Things done in the humanities include works created by humans for humans to enjoy. The study of literature has been studied since ancient times and people have tried to explain why human beings like to read and write literary works.

The most common type of English Literature is fiction because it requires great imagination but it also requires experience in reading as well as writing (it's not just words on paper).

People who are interested in writing fiction will usually start off with some name-brand characters whom they imagine as different from themselves. From here, the writer will probably experience some difficulty with the first paragraph because he/she doesn't know what kind of thing he/she is going to write about and how to begin. You may find yourself having trouble with descriptions at the beginning because your imagination isn't strong enough to come up with words that accurately describe what you want your reader/audience to see or feel but if you haven't written for a while then don't give up on your start too quickly! After putting some effort into getting started then gradually build up all the way through until you get there!

Definition of Literature

Literature as a Fine Art is an art whose purpose is to provide aesthetic pleasure to the readers. Literature includes every kind of written works, such as novels, poems, stories, and essays, literature teaches the readers something in a way that other forms of writing cannot.

Literature is also known as creative writing because it provides aesthetic pleasure to the readers.

A writer introduces his or her reader to deeper meaning and beauty in his or her writings by using various techniques. An example of such technique is dramatic irony which explains irony without using explicit words or statements. The first part says “this situation is funny” while the second part says “this situation really isn’t funny”; thus one could easily understand what they are saying while they are saying it.

In addition to this technique, fictional plots can be used as an effective tool in teaching people about different cultures and times through their perspectives and methods of representation. Fiction can often offer a greater sense of empathy than nonfiction because fiction can create a more engaging story line for readers than simple facts and statistics presented in an academic paper. It’s also possible for fiction to highlight issues that take place throughout history that are important to discuss today when compared with nonfiction pieces which typically focus on current events only (i.e., World War II).

The narrative structure used in fiction allows for greater similarities between characters than those found in nonfiction pieces (like textbooks), yet allows for differences (like reactions) between characters so that readers can draw their own interpretation of events based on their own experiences with life (i.e., The Catcher in the Rye). In short, literature helps students become more knowledgeable through their understanding and appreciation of literary works through their ability to use everyday language into their essays, however, literature can also be used as an effective tool in teaching people about different cultures and times through the perspective and representation provided by fictional plots.

Literature is one of the Fine Arts. It is not only an artistic work of writing, but it also provides aesthetic pleasure to the readers (as it is a subjective experience). The 3  characteristics that are important for a literature are:

  • 1) Aesthetic (pleasure): The aesthetics of literature provide aesthetic pleasure to the readers.
  • 2) Peculiar form: Literary works are different from other works in different ways. For example, a novel written about one person's experiences is not considered as literature. A work which describes some place or some time period is not considered as literature either.
  • 3) Uniqueness: Literature's uniqueness lies in its peculiar form, such as stories or poems. Although they are similar and have similarities, they can be classified into different genres and thus literary works vary in their unique forms and qualities. Below you will find the four main types of literary works and their distinctive qualities:

The purpose of this article will be to discuss the importance of offering an introduction to English Literature for English learners who wish to read English Literature for the first time in their life. However, most courses for English Lit courses do not offer an introduction to English Literature because they deem it too difficult . As you may know, most high school students can read some literature; however, there are many students who cannot even read a book without having help from a teacher or tutor . Therefore, here I will explain how one can start reading literature under the guidance of an educator who has comprehensive knowledge on teaching certain kinds of literature such as poetry , drama , and fiction . This way you can start reading before your high school years because you will be familiarized with certain genres that you would like to read in college or university so that when you graduate college (or university) you will be able to choose what genre(s) you want to pursue yourself. As mentioned above, poetry , drama , and fiction have been specially chosen by me because I believe these three genres have been specially selected by writers because they have been thought-provoking . Also, these three genres have been chosen because they are fun to read and make people laugh + cry at times !

Literature is an art form, a unique form of artistic expression that includes poetry, fiction, drama, song and other forms of creative expression. Literature is also known as oral and written language as we have several different types of literature:

Let me state the obvious here. Literature can be any type of work whether it’s poetry, prose, or even films. The important thing is to understand that literature can be any type of work whether it’s a painting or a film. In fact, if you look at history it seems that the majority of major works were written by one person with only some minor contributions made by others.


Literature is a broad term that covers many different genres of written and spoken works in many different styles and mediums. In this article, I will focus on the particular type of literature that I would call poetry. Poetry is a form of literature that can be spoken or written as well as heard.

Poetry is distinguished from prose in that the prose must be constructed on the given subject matter, while the poem may be abstract or involved with other subjects. Poems are usually divided into stanzas and lines, while prosaic poems may have blank spaces between lines or have no line breaks at all.

The Purdue University definition of poetry uses the following words:

"poetry" -- "[a] collection of words (usually long) written in a richly metaphorical style."

for the sake of brevity, this definition includes prose poems but excludes rhymed verse which may be considered poetry if it meets certain other criteria, such as "reduplication" (repeated rhymes along one line), "onomatopoeia" (the use of sound-images), "metaphor", etc...

In addition to its literary significance, poetry has been discussed in popular culture for centuries—through music, movies and television shows; through advertisements; and even through scientific research. In its modern context as a literary art form, poetry has garnered some attention for its ability to articulate feelings—both sadistic and humorous—and for its capacity to transcend language barriers. In addition to these aspects, poems can also be interpreted aesthetically as well as philosophically or scientifically by analyzing how they fit with their subject matter and how they are structured (chronology/repetition).

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